Specialistic treatments


The restorative is the branch of dentistry that is responsible for the care of one or more teeth affected by destructive processes cariogenic, restoring a correct anatomy, function and aesthetics.
Always use only restorative composite materials or ceramic (white fillings) totally metal-free (zero amalgams) and completely biocompatible.
Replacing old amalgam fillings before and after restoration of decayed teeth.


The Endodontics is the branch of Dentistry that deals with the care of the dental pulp (part of the tooth where counts blood vessels and nerves and responsible for the sensitivity of the tooth).
This action does not affect the longevity of the tooth, only removes the sensitivity, and then the pain of dental origin.


The implant is that branch of Dentistry that takes care of replacing with sophisticated “screws” (implants) the natural teeth lost. The titanium Implants have their surface treated with systems of high biotechnology so In a short time these implants are integrated with the natural bone creating safe artificial roots of the teeth.

The implants are also used as pillars on which to hang the total denture plate, allowing a perfect stability of the denture in the mouth and greatly increasing patient comfort. Often in inserting the implant into the bone, are associated sophistical techniques of regeneration and growth of bone in the deficit area.

The films show, due to the programming radiological three-dimensional, as we can establish the position in the presurgical phase and the type implant to be inserted with absolute precision and predictability.


The Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that treats dental malocclusion, facial disharmonies creating a correct functional and aesthetic development in the growing age at the adult pazients.

Orthodontics is not just “straight teeth” but collaboration with pediatricians, speech pathologists, otolaryngologists, osteopaths and physiatrists to restore the balance in a multidisciplinary manner impaired function in a more holistic vision of the human body. Often the wrong position of the teeth may be the cause or effect of a postural problem, functional or structural.

All ages can benefit from orthodontics although for different reasons and with different equipment and dedicated. In fact, many and varied are the braces: since the functional units, the classic “brackets” sticky on the teeth (Brackets of metal or ceramic) Lingual Technique that uses the unique method of pasting the brackets on the inside (lingual surface ) of the teeth creating a unit totally hidden , up to the latest technological methods to strong influence of removable clear aligners. We use both in the U.S. version (Invisalign) and in the Italian (Arc Angel)

However,the Diagnosis is essential for choosing the type of device. For this reason is good to be entrusted to a specialist. We always remember that the device is the means, but the therapy executes the Dentist-Orthodontist.


Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that deals with treating and preserving the periodontal support (bone and gum) tooth.

One can say that the periodontium is like the foundation of a house. Of fundamental importance, therefore, not only for the health of the tooth over time, but also for its aesthetic.

A smile also depends greatly on good health of the gums.
Gums “withdrawn”, discovered dental roots, gum pockets, periodontal disease etc.. are all pathological conditions that are diagnosed, treated and controlled by the periodontist.


Dental hygiene is intended to maintain dental health by removing tartar calcoulus, plaque, colored pigments (caffeine, theina, nicotine) and all other conditions that may alter dental cleaning.

We usually use ultrasonic instruments, air-flow, manual grinding tools and other aids designed to maintain or recreate a perfect cleaning, restoring so light and beauty to your teeth.

Hygiene is also a very important role in the prevention of tooth decay and gum disease processes. And ‘advisable to carry out hygiene approximately every 8 months.


The prosthetics is the branch of dentistry that due to an artifact constructed artificially in the laboratory (crown or bridge) replaces in part (-veneer inlay) or all (Crown) the visible structure of a natural tooth. The crown can cover a single artificial tooth or replace missing teeth, creating the so-called dental bridge.

Today, technology in prosthetics made ​​enormous progress: in addition to traditional crowns with the metal core then covered ceramic crowns have “metal free” (without metal) fully ceramic or zirconia, with increased biocompatibility and a refined aesthetic .

It has come to such perfection in the reproduction of natural color to the shape through the transparencies and shadows that you can now produce beautiful smiles of the natural ones. The “must” aesthetics today are the so-called “veeners”: Lamine porcelain thickness of a nail which, after a slight removal of dental tissue, are glued on the surface of the tooth recreating a color and a pleasant aesthetics.